County, District and Parish Councillors

County Councillor

Our representative for the Stansted seat on Essex County Council is Ray Gooding, who is a Conservative. Ray is resident in the village at 260 Birchanger Lane and can be contacted at

District Councillors

The Stansted South and Birchanger ward representatives on Uttlesford District Council are

  • Ray Gooding
  • NickChurch
  • The Council does not have any premises, but uses the home address of the Parish Clerk for correspondence. The parish clerk is Keith Williams of Spider Cottage, 317 Birchanger Lane, CM23 5QR (, tel 814473.


Employment Committee

  • G. Taylor (chair)
  • A. Driscoll
  • Finance Committee
  • G. Taylor (Chair)
  • All Councillors

Plannng Committee

  • A. Driscoll
  • S. Taylor
  • G. Driscoll
  • Elizabeth Godwin (co-opted)

Grant Applications

  • G. Taylor (Chair)
  • L. Pocklington


BPC Task Members

  • Highways and street lights - G. Driscoll
  • Public Transport (inc Stansted Airport)- G. Driscoll
  • Footpaths - S. Taylor
  • Public Safety - P. Sampson
  • Village Magazine - P. Sampson
  • Allotments, Glebeland and Trees -L. Pocklington
  • Website - Ken Wheatley (co-opted)

Representatives on outside organisations

  • Birchanger Wood Trust - L. Pocklington
  • Police Consultative Committee - P. Sampson
  • Town and Parish Council consultative meetings re Stansted Airport - G Driscoll